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Monday 6 May 2024

The double-joys of bi-lingual books by Chitra Soundar


I was in a class recently where the children were from China and Korea and it was their first week and they had no idea what I was talking about or their classmates. How wonderful it would have been to give them books that have English and their own language – so they can learn the new language faster. 

As a child, I grew up in a tri-lingual home. All my parents spoke the same language – Tamil but I was at a school that taught in English and I wanted to learn Hindi – another Indian language. But often the books were in one language or the other. I wonder how wonderful it would have been if I had been able to read the same story in two languages – how my vocabulary and command of language and syntax would have grown. 

In an increasingly connected world, many children today are either bi-lingual or need to be bi-lingual. From emigrating parents to people forced to move to safer places across the world, our need for being able to speak more than one language has grown multi-fold.

I come from India which is the fifth largest English-language publishing country in the world. However less than 25% of Indians speak / read / write in English. The rest of the country speaks, writes and reads in regional languages. So there is a big need for bi-lingual books with one of the language being English.

Illustrated by Uttara Sivadas

Illustrated by Priya Kuriyan

Two of my titles were published as bi-lingual titles – English with 5 different Indian languages to facilitate this – a reader who is aspiring to read English can read and comprehend the story in their own language, while they are slowly recognising and learning the new English words. 

As I visit schools in England, I realise that we have a dearth of bi-lingual books in our midst.  

It is also would be of great help to British and immigrant families if the child who can read in English and the parent who can read in their own language to share a story, share an experience.

Research shows that the reader can be empowered to learn on their own by giving them text in one familiar language alongside the new language they are trying to learn.  And it also improves their metalinguistic awareness – the sentence structure, the grammar and the noun-verb order if you will, between the two languages – making it easy for them to translate what they want to say into the new language until they start thinking in the new language. 

Publishing English-language picture books and early chapter books in bilingual editions especially in languages of those who seek refuge in our shores, is an act of welcome – a gesture that tells them that we are going to help them integrate into their new communities. 

Illustrated by Kanika Nair

But even in the case of expats and those who are second or third generation children, stories that are culturally relevant and are bi-lingually told can help the reader connect with their own language, culture and roots. Parents can use the book to keep their own language alive in their new home – a connection to the roots. 

This is also true for many countries where the dominant language is English but the older native languages are on the wane because of using the dominant language – Welsh, Gaelic and many indigenous languages in Australia, NZ, and North America   are fighting for space amongst their native speakers. 

There are a few publishers in the UK who cater to dual-language publishing. And I think it is not enough. It is important that all publishers who publish picture books should try and find a way to integrate this into their list. 

However, the lack of such bi-lingual books in the UK is a reminder that we don’t have many tools in the UK to welcome non-English speakers. We expect that everyone speaks English and must do so if they can’t. 

There are a number of ways publishers can address this. Here are some of my own ideas.

a) When stories are relevant to a culture, and written by someone from that heritage, it will be great to explore if the book can be turned into a bi-lingual edition.
b) Creating learning books – like stories for phonics and reading bands in bi-lingual editions to get the parents involved in the stories.
c) Bringing books from other countries and publishing bi-lingual editions.

And to illustrate how it can help readers and communities, here is a reading of my picture book from Tulika Books being read in two languages by a librarian in the US.

What do you think about bi-lingual books. Are there any situations where it is not appropriate? Is there a specific book you would love to read in another language? Do you know of other publishers who publish dual-language books? Share with us. 

Monday 22 April 2024


If you know me, it’s no secret if that I don’t go anywhere without a book to read. At the end of the day, I turn to a book to offer a quiet space of calm, a welcome escape that sets me up for a good night’s sleep. Reading makes me feel centred and whole. I like to sit and look at my bookshelf and find the book for that moment, for that frame of mind, for that state of heart. THERE IS A BOOK FOR THAT!


There's a book for that, no matter what!

Much has been written about the importance of books in instilling empathy in young readers, and how reading is the key for children’s success in later life. But can reading also heal? Are books actually good for our mental health?


According to neuroscientist and science journalist Richard Sima, “Researchers are investigating the impact of reading experiences and reporting evidence of promising mental and social health benefits . . . Now practitioners are exploring new models using the literary arts to support mental health in clinics, classrooms, and communities worldwide.”


Young children may have not yet experienced the whole wide world,
but they still have big feelings and need ways to process and deal with them.


We are wired for story. In the early years, the lines between pretend and reality are frequently blurred. Young children are often deeply connected to fictional characters and toys, interacting with them as if they were real. They are naturally drawn to telling and inventing stories in their imaginative play.

For young children fictional characters can seem rea

Reading stories allows children to step into others’ shoes, building neural pathays in their brains that prompt new ways of responding to situations (Tamir, D. I. et al., 2016). The more these new neural routes are used and practised, with each re-reading of the story, the more routine they become. Reading with a trusted adult can help children navigate their own big feelings and experiences, because stories validate children’s experiences and emotions and model new ways of thinking. 


Reading together can be healing.

In this study, researchers proposed that Bibliotherapy could offer a low-cost and accessible way to improve the mental health. How does it work? There are three stages:

Identification: the reader identifies with a story character and bonds with them.


Catharsis: through the story, the reader experiences the conflict alongside the character and how s/he resolves it.


Insight: the reader reflects on their own circumstances in relation to the story – the characters’ emotions, behaviours and conflict resolution model - and considers how they might apply these tools to their own lives.




• validates young readers’ emotions and experiences

• models how to self-regulate, deal with conflict and big emotions

• opens a dialogue using the story as a vehicle for starting the discussion


I recently attended an excellent SCBWI talk by Melissa Manlove, formerly Executive Editor at Chronicle Books, “The Big Feelings Picture Book Workshop: Transforming Your Past Into Reader's Futures”. In the seminar, Manlove argued that “children's emotional lives are as big and as rich as adults’—and that they need stories that honor that and help them to navigate these essentially human experiences.”


All children deserve a wide variety of books to reflect their feelings and experiences. Libraries in schools and communities are essential resources for creating access to bibliotherapy!

Something Melissa said in her talk resonated with me – happy children are not children who don’t know pain, trauma or difficult situations; they are not children who don’t have big feelings.  

All children are dealing with something, small problems – like finding friends or fear of the dark – and difficult, bigger issues – like having lost a loved one, grappling with injustice, or the displacement of war –


But the difference is that happy, well-adjusted children know there is a path to the top of the mountain:




#ReadForEmpthy Collection 2024

Stories children them that there is a path, a way forward to get to the other side of the hard, bigger issues. Children need to know that there are ways to slay their dragons, to deal with their problems. 


Stories offer a path - empathy, hope and sometimes solutions.

Books offer a safe space for exploring big feelings and big or small problems. 


Melissa encouraged authors to not shy away from tackling big feelings and big issues in picture books, just because they’re for younger readers, but instead to show children the path for how they might solve and navigate these through story. It is up to us to create the book for THAT!

By tapping into our own big feelings and ways to navigate life, our childhood memories and experiences, and then innovate in a child-centred way, we can create books that will empower and resonate with the young readers of the future.

*Find recommendations of books that inspire empathy in the #ReadForEmpthy Collection 2024
*And Books that Help when the Words are Hard to Find on Books That Help


Natascha Biebow, MBE, Author, Editor and Mentor

Natascha is the author of the award-winning The Crayon Man: The True Story of the Invention of Crayola Crayons, illustrated by Steven Salerno, winner of the Irma Black Award for Excellence in Children's Books, and selected as a best STEM Book 2020. Editor of numerous prize-winning books, she runs Blue Elephant Storyshaping, an editing, coaching and mentoring service aimed at empowering writers and illustrators to fine-tune their work pre-submission, and is the Editorial Director for Five Quills. Find out about her new picture book webinar courses! She is Co-Regional Advisor (Co-Chair) of SCBWI British Isles. Find her at

Monday 8 April 2024

Some Exciting New Children's Book Illustrators to Look Out For, by Pippa Goodhart

    In an empty shop unit in a shopping centre in Cambridge in February, Anglia Ruskin University Children's Book Illustration students put on a pop-up show of artwork from some of their graduates; From Sketch to Story. They were happy for me to take photographs, so here is my personal selection from that exhibition, of images from relatively new illustrators. Enjoy!

Spot the fox! This is by Aoife Greenham (, from her book, The Deers Cry. She says on her website, 'The Deers Cry is an illustrated extract from the Old Irish poem of the same name, for all readers. It formed part of my final project for the MA in children's book illustration at Cambridge School of Art.

It is a blessing and a prayer, taking place in modern times, illustrated using plate lithographic techniques. This piece was shortlisted in the 2019 Batsford prize for Illustration.' 

This is by Junli Song ( who does a wonderful range of artistic creations, including books for children.

This is by Daniela Sosa ( who has illustrated a range of children's books. This image is a print she sells on her website. 

This image is by Virginia Coyne (, and is Dorothy in her wonderful reimagining of The Wizard of Oz. 

This is by Jemima Sharpe, from her picture book, Mr Moon Wakes Up.

This is by Clara Saetiz ( from her How To Not Get Eaten by Baba Yaga. 

This is by Emily Burgoyne ( from her series of sea inspired prints.  

And, closing in traditional picture book fashion with a bedtime image, this is by Deborah Hocking ( 

Monday 25 March 2024

Battling with my Subconscious Mind (In which Mini considers the mind monsters that plague her…)

Consciousness. There’s been a lot of debate about what consciousness is. I’m with Anil Seth, that having consciousness is having something that it feels like to be you.  I think consciousness is a really useful invention for animals, and minds are part of bodies.

But what about the Subconsciousness?

What is down there in the dark unknown zones of the Subconsciousness?

I discovered in the fantastic book Sentient by Jackie Higgins: we have way more senses than we’re aware of – for example, proprioception, which is the sense that tells the body where it is in space: nerves in our muscles are sending this information to our brains all the time, but luckily we’re blissfully unaware of all this data-sharing going on. But senses of space and time are all part of our subconscious, bound up with our idea of what will be coming up in the future.

The Subconscious is trying to keep us safe: it is doing its own safety calculation and summoning up the feelings for the action it has worked out is necessary. But what it has pulled up is fear, anxiety, dread and a thousand other uncomfortable feelings that it is horrible to sit with.

 So the Subconscious is trying to help but causing chaos: unease, panic attacks, a roller coaster of adrenalin rushes, immobilizing wells of rumination. My subconscious is a drama queen, a catastrophizer, an over-reacter.

 Thanks for that, Subconscious Mind. The upcoming event was challenging enough, but now you’ve summoned up the Monkey of Dread to sit on my chest at four in the morning. Really helpful.

It could be that back when we were hunter gatherers before farming caught on, the threats we’d face would be short-lived and real, and needing a swift and definite response for survival, so this super-reactive subconscious was useful to us. But in our world now, so much is long term, complicated and imaginary, so the subconscious’s response can be way more mental anguish than must be good for us.

The writer Daisy Goodwin, on Radio 4’s Saturday Live, said: “I think all creative artists are to some extent depressives, they write to get out of that slough of despond.”

But I wonder if the over-active imaginations that dream up worlds also fuel over-powerful anxieties.

It might be that book-makers, who spend so much time living in their own minds inventing stories – could be prone to the roller-coaster rides conjured up by an over-active imagination. So it’s important to escape sometimes.

This is how I escape, when I can.

If I can, I go running first thing in the morning. (If you can run or walk it is win-win-win in so many way: exercise, endorphins, sunlight, changing nature, and more.)

Then I go down the bottom of the garden, and think about my Nine Things.

I adapted my Nine Things from Jon Kabat Zinn’s 9 attitudes. Thank you Jon. It's an attempt to reframe my day, and to shift from being immersed in my feelings or worries ( like a fish in water who can't see the water), to being an interested observer of what's going on in me today.

Mini’s Nine Things:

Patience How can I bring patience to what may be happening today? It could be patience about what needs to be done, and where I am in getting it done; patience with my own feelings; patience to remake things that need to be remade.

Acceptance How can I bring acceptance: to be OK with things taking longer than I thought they would, to shake hands with an uncomfortable feeling and let it sit next to me.

Trust I can have trust: I can trust myownself that’s had a lifetime of looking after me, I can trust the skills I’ve used a million times, I can trust in my people, the world, the Protector of all Small Things, the Universe.

Letting Go/Letting Be Things do not need to be resolved right now, they can hang and wait, like a pot on a wheel. (Sorry about that simile.) Things can be fine just as they are. Don’t just do something, stand there…

Everything’s an Offer Today is the present – with all it offers. Accept the offers and do what you can with them. And when the offer is something you don’t want – sometimes that’s the offer you can learn most of all from.

I Change My Mind, I Follow My Skis My first ski instructor, Jeff, said this. I think it means: Jeff has been skiing so long that all his body understands how to ski and he can just follow his body’s well-experienced decisions.

Gratitude Thank you!!! For today! For my family, my friends, for having a house, for living in this good place…Thank you, overactive brain, for trying to keep me safe…

Generosity What or who can I bring generosity too? Can I pay more attention to my family? Can I bring some generosity to myself…?

Beginner’s Mind This is about looking at the world as if you were seeing it for the first time. Often we see the familiar and we see what we are expecting to see. With the truly unfamiliar, really new things, we have no expectations and what we see can be surprising.

With beginner’s mind – you can escape “the anaesthetic of familiarity” (Richard Dawkins) – and discover that everything is interesting, nothing is ordinary, nothing is ‘obvious’. That we are sentient and alive on a living planet for a brief window of time is vanishingly rare and extraordinary.

Mini's latest book is The Greatest Show on Earth, published by Puffin.