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(Illustration by Oliver Jeffers) |
Back in
April I wrote a blog post for Picture Book Den called ‘The Power of Again’
which looked at the importance of repetition in picture books and, more
specifically, at repetition as a way of supporting children to learn language.
As I’ve
previously mentioned, as well as being a picture book author, I am also a Children’s
Speech and Language Therapist. Fortunately,
I feel these two professions go together quite well. We know
there is a huge amount of research showing the positive link between early
reading, language development and later academic success. Book Trust has undertaken many research
projects and case studies into the wide-ranging benefits of reading, not only academic but also those related to encouraging families' enjoyment of book sharing. Book Trust has written about
their research here https://www.booktrust.org.uk/why-reading-matters/
But in summary... reading is
important….Roald Dahl knew it….
And so, too,
did Dr Suess….
But what is
it exactly that makes picture books the perfect tool to support language
learning? I’m currently working with my Speech
and Language Therapy colleagues to produce some training on this very subject
and we found a great article by Lauren Lowry (a Speech and Language Therapist) on
the Hanen Centre Website. The article
explains that children learn new words best...
When they hear words often (The power of Again!) Picture books frequently use repetition and
repeated refrains and are generally read over and over again!
When they are interested.
adults respond to them- ‘It is easy to join focus during a picture book and to notice what the
child is looking at and talking about.
Sometimes it’s best to abandon the story for a little while and follow
the child’s lead to talk about the things that interest him or her.'
When the meaning is clear (e.g. an adult reading ‘She whispered…..’ in a whispered voice). Parents can use the beautiful illustrations
in picture books to help children learn new words. We know that using pictures and talking about
things in the ‘here and now’ is extremely helpful when children are learning
language. Children learn words best when
they can see, hear or experience them.
When vocabulary and grammar are
learned together in sentences.
crucially, Lowry also stresses how children learn language best when they are having fun!
Picture books allow for all these elements!
A proud
moment for me, after the release of my first picture book ‘Gecko’s Echo’ (with
illustrator, Natasha Rimmington), was when a Speech and Language Therapy friend
told me that her 2 –year-old son had learnt the word ‘Gecko’. (‘Gecko’ is not a word that many 3-5 year
olds in this country are familiar with. When I read this book at events,
children’s guesses about what the animal on the cover might be, range from ‘frog’
to ‘crocodile’ to ‘dinosaur’! ) My friend told me that, together, she and her
son will shout out ‘GECKO’ as they walk through the tunnel near their house,
just to hear the gecko’s echo come back.
As authors and illustrators,
we often use the funny things that children say to spark ideas for stories.
Lauren Child is particularly good at using a very child-like voice in her
wonderful Charlie and Lola series.
‘I will not
ever, never eat a Tomato!’
But what
about using picture books to teach specific language concepts or themes? While ALL
picture books are useful in supporting children’s language development, I came
across a great website site called www.booksharetime.com.
It is run by Cecile Ferreira (an Australian Speech and Language
Therapist). This site helps people to
choose picture books that target specific language concepts, themes, plots and
even grammatical structures and speech sounds.
Whilst, these last areas may be a bit ‘Speech and Language Therapy-
specific’, I was wondering whether anyone has used picture books to teach
language in a deliberate way? A specific
concept perhaps? By reading early concept board books? Have you used a picture
book to link with new topics that your children are learning about at school?
Or, alternatively, have you ever used something funny that a child has said to spark a whole
new story of your own?
My latest picture book with illustrator, Mark Chambers, is 'Jake Bakes a Monster Cake.' It teaches children extremely useful vocabulary (such as 'bogey-green slime!) and comes with additional 'scratch and sniff' stickers!

Enjoyed this post! I found books including emotions really useful, e.g. Happy Dog Sad Dog, and Goldilocks in German triggered off new breakfast words and talking German at breakfast.
Thanks for your useful blog post, Lucy. I've been looking up the links and websites.
Thanks Jane! Is your family bilingual then? I'd love to speak another language fluently. I don't know the German word for porridge but 'Fruhstuck' is 'breakfast' right?!
You're welcome Paeony. I really like Cecile Ferreira's website.
Great post and great links, Lucy. I currently have a new illustrated Early Reader book with Franklin Watts, publication date not yet established, and the same comments still apply.
Yes, my daughter has grown up with French and German as well as English. She’s 13 now but I still have all the lovely picture books we used to read again and again! Such great memories.
Really useful post, thank you. I teach parents with young children and I'll add the link to this post to my handouts.
Oh great! Congratulations! I'm just starting to explore the world of early readers- it feels completely different to picture books. I don't quite know where to start!
Oh wow! Trilingual! That's such a fantastic skill. I would love to be able to speak another language fluently- one of my picture books, with illustrator Ben Mantle, is coming out in French as well as a few other languages- it's called 'Little Red Reading Hood'. I'm going to see if I can dust off my A-level French skills and try and give it a read! It's so lovely that you kept all the books.
Thanks Lynne, I hope they find it useful too :)
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