We have a guest post this week from former Picture Book Den team member Michelle Robinson about
Only One of Me, a very special picture book Michelle has written with Lisa Wells. You can find out more about the project and read the book's text
on Michelle's blog.
I swear: no deadline will ever stress me out again.
Since announcing our intention to produce #OnlyOneOfMe on July 31st, it's been go, go, go. With the help of my amazing agent, James Catchpole I've been spearheading a campaign to make a top quality heirloom picture book for charity.
Thankfully there isn't only one of me. The team is small but tight knit, and everyone is pulling together to make it happen. Illustrators
Catalina Echeverri and
Tim Budgen are currently burning the midnight oil, more than earning the right to be referred to as,
"The hardest working people in the business".
Before the nitty gritty: I'm auctioning the rare opportunity to have an in-depth picture book manuscript critique with me, with all proceeds going to the fund. You can bid here!
Let me tell you a little about the book: Written from the perspective of a terminally ill parent,
Only One Of Me is an expression of undying love for their children. What makes it so unique is that it was written by someone in that terrible situation.
Lisa and baby Saffia |
Lisa Wells was diagnosed with stage 4 bowel and liver cancer at the end of 2017. Her doctors told her she has between just two and twelve months to live. Lisa and her husband Dan have two lovely little girls, Ava-Lily, 5 and Saffia, 9 months. I don't need to say anything more about it, really. It's too sad to think about. But for Lisa and Dan there's no getting away from it.
How do you go about preparing yourself to leave everyone you hold dear behind?
I can only begin to imagine, and I'm so glad that for me it's just hypothetical. I wish I had a magic wand and could change the future for Lisa. The only wand I have is my pen - so I've given it a wave with Lisa's help.
Our story is designed to help dying parents express their feelings, giving them a lasting and tangible token of comfort to leave behind. Thanks to Lisa's courage, energy and loving nature - and thanks to all the people who are donating, spreading the word and supporting the Only One Of Me team throughout this crazy busy time - her voice will bring comfort not just to her own family but countless others like them.
So how do you create a picture book in just a few weeks? You fly by the seat of your pants and call in favours from as many generous experts as you can!
Tim's initial character sketches for dad |
We were inundated with hundreds of submissions from illustrators. I reckon we had to make our decision faster than any editor ever in the history of publishing! We chose to go with both Tim and Catalina. This way we could produce two different books - one for mums, one for dads - with the freedom to draw human characters instead of gender neutral animals. It also meant no single artist was going to bear the burden of the project alone. The two are forming a great partnership behind the scenes, supporting one another in every decision - there are so many to make, and we have to make them at break neck speed!
What should the characters look like? How can we be sure to make the characters diverse and inclusive? How do we convey the depth of sorrow involved while ultimately providing comfort? What colour scheme? What type style? Spreads? Single pages? The list is endless! Thankfully Catalina and Tim have plenty of support.
The counsellors at
WHY We Hear You, our official charity partner, have been helping guide us, as have our publisher,
Graffeg and my own super agent, James Catchpole. It's faster, easier and cheaper to get Tim and Catalina together in London (Graffeg are based in Cardiff Bay) for a brainstorming session, so my friends at Walker Books have offered to host, feed and advise them on Tuesday 14th August. In short, Tim and Catalina have a lot of support - but even so, they basically have to create a spread a day to meet our August 30th deadline.
We are so close to full funding - and we print on September 21st!
Huge thanks to Rob Hayward and the team at
CPI Antony Rowe, Melksham, and are aiming to hold a fundraising launch party on the same day. To say timings are tight is an understatement! If the books aren't ready in time, we'll be celebrating thin air! We simply can't afford to mess this up.
But we won't. The whole team is dedicated, committed and fired up. We are determined that Lisa will get to enjoy the thrill and satisfaction of seeing her book in print before she dies.
Thank you to everybody who has read the story, spread the news, donated and sent words of encouragement! It means so much. We've had donations ranging from £2 to £250 and every single one is equally appreciated. The more we raise, the more books we can ultimately print - our bookbinders are very generously doing the first run free of charge, which is phenomenal, but we predict a bit of a frenzy in sales!

I should say that the book will be available to everyone, but has been designed as a resource for dying parents. Do keep a copy on your shelf, but be careful sharing it with young children if you're a parent in fine fettle! We wouldn't want to cause any undue anxiety! You will have the option to buy copies and donate them directly to charity, either under your own steam or via WHY We Hear You, who will help see that the books get to where they're most needed.
So wish us luck! Luxuriate in your deadlines! And above all, live, laugh and love.
Michelle x
Michelle Robinson is the bestselling author of picture books such as
A Beginner's Guide to Bear Spotting and
Goodnight Spaceman